Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Carving Pumpkins

We carved pumpkins tonight in preperation for Halloween!! It was fun, we had tools to help do it which made it so easy. The best part for me was that Michael cleaned and gutted my pumpkin for me--he is the best. Ryan even helped me!!

Ryan sitting with me preparing to make our creation
Now Ryan helping mommy!! That was a little hard!

Now the finished projects Ryan's pumpkin is the non cut one, he helped pick which face to use!! Mine is the face and Mikes is the bat. Now I will light them on Halloween and let you know how they look with a candle in them. Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 29, 2007


Well this weekend we babysat my Mom and Phil's dog Lulu. She is a very barky beagel. All the dogs had fun and we felt like we ran a pound!!!

The dogs took over the couch, Ryan and I tried to reclaim it but lost out!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Well the new HEB by our house opened and it is crazy!!. We went as a family today and it was very overwhelming. It will be great when all the hoopla settles down and its a normal grocery store. We left with lots of things we dont need. But here is a photo of Ryan in the cart on the way out of the store!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dewberry Farms

We went to Dewberry Farms with my brothers and their families. It was crazy!! Lots of fun, Lots of running around and things to do for the kids. I only got a couple of pictures before my camera battery went dead. Amy got the majority of pictures that captured the whole day!!!

Here is Maddie with Ryan

Olivia, Maddie and Ryan--he is supported by Pumpkins
Sweet Boy Will going to give Ryan a Kiss on the head!

Ryan eating his hand in the pumpkins

It was a great day except the end when Mike got his truck stuck in deep grassy mud!! His wonderful truck is too heavy!! We ended up leaving him there and going home because he had to wait for a tractor to pull him out. Another truck tried and got stuck too!!
Oh well we still had a great day!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Party afterwards

After the Baptism we had everyone over to our house for lunch. It was a little crazy but was wonderful. At the same time our neighborhood was having a community garage sale so the streets were crowded and you can see in the background of some of the pictures some things for sale. I didnt get too many pictures from our house but we did get some----

A picture of the cake!!!

Now, I think one of the best things about the Baptism weekend is Mike's grandparents came. We had Hector's mom and dad and Kathy's dad. Unfortunately we only got pictures with Hector's parents.
This is four generations of Gomez Boys- Great Grandpa Frank, GPG (Hector), Dad (Mike) and Ryan

Now this is the four generation of boys with the lady that made it all possible Great Grandma Carmen!

Overall it was a very special day and I am sure one day Ryan will grow up to realize what it all really means.


Ryan had his baptism this weekend at Prince of Peace Catholic Community. There were about 10 other babies that he shared the day with. Overall he did great, no crying just a little fussy towards the end of the ceremony when it was time to eat.

This was the first part of the ceremony where they asked us his name and then everyone put the sign of the cross on the babies head.
This was the baptism, they poured holy water on his head. Ryan just starred at us with a worried kinda happy look. He did great!!
The lighting of the baptismal candle. My sweet boy could not take his eyes off the flame. He seemed just to enjoy the fire--wonder if he is like his daddy!!

The Godparents- Jake and Stacy and Deacon Chuck who performed the sacrament

The Audience.
Ryan had one of the larger turnouts but not the largest. We loved having our family and friends there to support our family for the day.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Christmas Cutouts

Well after Ryan went to bed last night we got busy--on christmas cutouts. We finished tracing Santa and then we started painting him. He is almost done, needs another coat or two and then on to the fire truck. Christmas is fast approaching and we have lots to do. Our competition is steep--you should come see sometime in Decemeber!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Rolling Over

I was trying to get a picture for Ryan's baby book of him holding his head up. In the baby book in has you fill in all sorts of firsts with photos. So being a good first baby mom I was trying to get the head holding photo. However my son rolls over and he thought this was a game. Everytime I put him on his belly to get the picture he rolled over and laughed. I took about 30 pictures trying to get one these are some that I got!!!

I am going to roll over

I did it, hope you got the picture!

I love this game, its fun!!


Ryan has gotten the hang of eating!! We are not making as much of a mess. He really likes his rice cereal. Now today I added Bannana and oh my goodness it was gone so fast. He ate about a 1/4 if the nanna and the same amount of cereal. He really loved the banana. Now the thing with eating is the dogs. They have discovered Ryan eats and spills so they are there to clean up. Dixie is the one that will clean up while Ryan is still in the chair while Ginger waits.

Dixie stands or sits next to hom the whole time!

Dixie cleaning Ryan's toes!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Eating and Bathing

Well now that Ryan is four months old we have started him on cereal. We were told by our pediatrician how and what to do--since we are new at this. We have started with Rice cereal today was the first day---what a mess. Mike and I laughed so hard today while feeding him that then Ryan was laughing and making an even bigger mess.

Ryan just thinking about eating his hand which was covered in it!

I really like this...hand that is!!

Ryan thinking no mom I can do it myself. He liked to take the spoon on his own. Really he just chewed on it. It was an experience that we will try again tomorrow.
So once that was over we went straight to the tub... We have a chair that we bathe in but the new thing Ryan likes now is to lay in the tub with about an inch of water in it. Of course always supervised.

Ryan splashes and kicks the water. He laughs while doing it--its too funny!!

These pictures don't really show the true action--but right before this he splashed us trying to take a picture!! He really likes the water at least this month!!

Will's Birthday Party

Well this weekend was Will's Birthday Party at a Fire station. Will turned 3, he is soo big now. The fun part of the party was Ryan got to go to a fire station for the first time. Mike just carried him around and showed him the fire truck--it was cute.

Mike and Ryan looking all around!!

Sitting in the driver seat of the truck!

Just outside, not sure what to think!!

Overall it was a great time, I am pretty sure Will got some great stuff at his party too!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Beginning of Week Update

Well here is a little update--

First--My dogs have eaten the zipper on the new dog bed and we woke up this morning with a small amount of stuffing on our bedroom floor. Looks like I will have to try and repair it. I am currently reading Cesar Milan's Dog book to get tips on how to make our Dogs better. We will see if I learn anything and if I can get my dogs to change. So far all I keep getting from the book is Dogs are dogs and we humans try to make our dogs human--which I am sure we are guilty of in our house.

Second--Mike has started making our Christmas decorations. Our neighborhood is big on decorating the yards for Christmas, there is a neighborhood competition and people go crazy. Last year we only had lights on the house and in the yard--which is not good enough. This year we will be better, we will have yard decorations. We are making a fire truck with elves for The North Pole Fire Department and we are having Santa on the roof. I am not sure how it will all come together but my husband the perfectionist will see it through. I am glad he started now because decorations go up in exactly two months and we have alot to do. I will post some pictures of the process later this week.

Third--Pictures of sweet Ryan. These are from when Ryan and Mike were at Ammies (Mikes mom) house thinking about going swimming. I dont think they made it in the pool that day due to napping and to weather.

Dont you love his hat. As you can see he doesnt sit still lately. He is always getting those legs going!!
My sweet boys, both of them actually sitting still. I dont think this will happen very often, I am sure it will only get worse when Ryan gets mobile.