Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rodeo Season

We started Rodeo season off with a trip to the Rodeo parade. We got to see Gaga run by in the Rodeo run then we waited patiently for the parade to start. We saw lots of horses and a few floats.

The kids in the stroller all bundled up--in downtown Houston between buildings its a little chilly

Some of the horses--Ryan was in heaven

Sweet Emma--Love her hat she kept it on for about 2 minutes at least long enough to get a cute pic!

Mom and Ryan looking for a snack

Emma Clapping at the performers--she is such a sweet sensitive one

This is the view we saw most of Ryan as he was looking down the road to see what was next

Now on to the Rodeo---
With Mike on Committee we can all get it to everything for free so we randomly decided to go the other day and the kids had a blast
Emma looking at the chickens

Ryan looking at the goats

Ryan Riding the tractor--he did not want to get off

The kids in the outdoor farm!

Ryan rode his first ride and loved it--he went all by himself--Mom and Dad were shocked he did it. Then afterwards he wanted to ride more but we will save that for the next trip

We then ventured into the stadium to see the real cowboys and the kids thought that was neat. Ryan really loved Grandentry because of the Fire trucks and then he liked the national anthem because of the lady on a horse with a flag and fireworks. We are going to try to go down one more time this season because the kids had sooo much fun and this will probably be dads last year on committee.