Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ready for February

Well the year started off rough for us, so it can only go up!!!  

Ryan started the year with double ear infections then got a stomach virus.  We think I gave it to him because I started the year with it.  Ryan then gave it to Mike and several of Mike's relatives!! (We really are sorry, didn't mean to at all) Unfortunately Ryan's lasted the longest about 10 days---10 very long days!!  We went through lots of clothes, diapers, pedialyte and crackers.   Then do to the illness he is now a formula baby!! Which is a bitter sweet thing for me!! OH and through all that we ended up with TWO teeth--bottom middle ones, which teething is fun too!!!

Next we went to a specialist for his arm--a Physical Medicine and Rehab doctor where they performed two tests on Ryan's arm.  The test was to stick needles in my child's arm and the other test was to shock him all while hooked to a monitor looking at the nerve and muscle readings.  (the docs did say Ryan was one of the best babies they have ever done the test on--he cooperated and let them do everything with little fuss) The test went well all looks good except his deltoid.  The nerves and muscles in the deltoid are not as strong as they wanted.  We will continue physical therapy and going to specialists.  The doc said we would watch and see how he progresses-- but there is a small chance he will need a what they call a secondary surgery around 18mos to rework the muscles which is where the next specialist comes in.  We now have to see an Orthopedic surgeon for an initial eval and his opinion.  All is good because everyday he is making progress. Mike and I are very optimistic about the whole situation and trust the doctors opinions.  

Well that about rounds out the month so far hence we are ready to start February on a healthier lighter note even though we still have a week and a half until we are there.  Thankfully we are all back to are happy selves now!

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Giggling walker

This is a video of Ryan and Dixie playing.  Dixie is a little unsure of the walker and Ryan thinks its great!!

The laughter is the best thing a mom and dad can ever hear. Mike and I stood there and watched this go on for about 20 minutes. It is great--Ryan loves his dogs they always make him smile.

Friday, January 4, 2008

New Computer

Well for Christmas I got a new computer!! I love it---its a Mac and has all sorts of fun things, I am learning to use it more and more everyday.  On the note of a new computer though, I left all my contacts info on the old one therefore I have no information on anyone.  So if you read my blog could you comment and leave your email address or email me with your email address so I can re-add everyone to my contacts.  Thanks.  Eventually we will set the other computer up again and I could get it all then but who knows when that will be!!.  

First Christmas

Long overdue I know  Christmas was great!! Ryan really enjoyed his first Christmas.  It was a very busy day as were the days following!  Christmas Eve Mike and I both worked so Ryan stayed with Guppie.  Here is a photo in his Christmas Eve outfit getting ready to go to Guppie's. 

Then Ryan came home Christmas morning and the fun began.  Thankfully Mike got relief at the fire station and was able to make it home.  Ryan had lots of fun and so did we.  We had Mike's parents and mine over Christmas morning to share in the fun along with Aunt Stacy and Uncle Spencer (mikes siblings)!  
Ryan waiting on the stairs to go see what Santa brought

Here is what Santa left!

Really all Ryan enjoyed was the wrapping paper on everything. I think he could have played with it for hours. 

Then later in the day we headed to my moms house for Christmas with my family.  Lots of fun and craziness!! When you have six small children opening gifts its a little crazy.  

Some of the kids opening things--Maddie and Olivia were in dressup to unwrap gifts!.  It was great because none of the adults needed to unwrap anything the kids didnt care whose gift it was they would just unwrap!!

The boys playing with Chris's gift from Jake.  It was his old remote control car from when they were kids that Jake rebuilt for Chris!! Now I wondered who the kids were at Christmas!!

Next we headed to my in-laws for Christmas and had a wonderful time.  Ryan was getting a little sleepy by that point so I had him most of the time and others took photos.  Then the next day we headed to Fargos for Christmas with my Dad and Lynda--it was a good time as well.  We got to see the kids do it all over again. 
Finally on the 27th we had Christmas with Hector and Mike's family again. 

 Whew--an exhausting few days but such a sweet first Christmas for Ryan.  If anyone has other photos from Ryan's first Christmas I would love to see them as I only have them from the first half of the day!