Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Dislike of Greenbeans

Well we tried Greenbeans again. Ryan has been showing his dislike for greenbeans for a few days now but he was still hungry after carrots so I thought I could sneak the greenbeans in. I thought maybe he would like them but this is what happened.

He opens his mouth for the food and then realizes its greenbeans and out it comes!!! I guess he is like his mother!! The only way I like greenbeans is with lots of seasoning or cheese or something to hide there taste!!! I guess we will try a different green vegetable next week. He likes his fruit though and sweet potatoes and carrots. I am just glad he has learned how to eat and open his mouth for the food.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


We had a very Busy Halloween. We first went down to the fire station to see Micheal. This way Daddy got to see Ryan in his costume!! Ryan was a pumpkin for Daddy
Then we had lunch with Guppie, Chris, Amy, Maddie and Will.
Finally we went home and waited for Trick or Treaters. Stacy and Ammy came over to see Ryan in his costume. At home I was a pumpkin for some pictures and then a monkey for the neighborhood!!
My two costumes
My Aunt Stacy and I---then where is the baby!!

Waiting on the bench for trick or treaters. Ryan's costume came off pretty quick once I got outside becuase it was kinda hot in all the stuffing.
Overall I think his first Halloween went great!!
Hopefully he enjoyed it and will look back at all the pictures I took and laugh!!