We had his birthday party on Sunday afternoon in our backyard. We had bounce things and a sprinkler for the big kids, then Ryan had his water table--which he didnt leave the whole party. It was a good time for all--busy and hot. Ryan enjoyed his cupcake and all the presents he got. Thanks to everyone, here our a few pictures from the big day--thanks to my stepmom Lynda and my friend Lauren for sharing there photos since I didnt take any!!!
Then Monday we had our big 1 year check up---He weighs 21 lbs 11.1 oz and is 29 1/2 inches long. Ryan has remained in the 50% his whole life!! On his growth curve in his chart at the Doctors office he is right in the middle everytime--a good growing baby. The only down news was Ryan is a little anemic so we had to start him on Iron Drops for a month and then they will recheck. Lucky the prescription says to mix in water or juice and he drinks it right up. I have now been looking to see what more I need to feed him so we dont need the supplement!! Otherwise we are good and growing!!