Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Another Texan Game

We went to another Texans Game as a family and Ryan loved it even more this go round.  We went with Chris, Carrie and Reagan (mikes brother and family). This time was extra special because after the game we got to go on the field and the kids got to play.  Chris and Carrie know a player and so we got a backstage look at after the game.  It was really cool--Ryan has no clue how cool it was!!

This is on the way into the game, we took our stroller and when Reagan got tired of walking she got in the stroller and held Ryan while we pushed.  Ryan sat on Reagans lap for a long time as we walked around the tailgaters.  It was really cute she just held on to him and he didnt try to move.
 Reagan and Ryan on the field after the game.  Ryan would look at me for the photo and Reagan was looking at her Daddy for the photo.  Oh well still very cute!!
Our family photo--its hard to get him to look at the camera on command.  Ryan just wanted to run around.  This is the first family photo in about 6 months and we are weeks away from adding an addition.

Ryan Running on the field.  He just ran and ran--it was too cute.  Overall a great day, thanks Chris and Carrie!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We have ventured to the pumpkin patch.   Ryan and I first went one day with Guppie and Phil--Ryan just liked to sit at this table.  He did walk around but he really liked the table.

Then Ryan, Mike and I all went to buy our pumpkins.  We went to a local church that had the cutest setup.  Lots of pumpkin people and places set up to take photos but Ryan would not go near the people. (ie the wizard of oz and the yellow brick road--all four characters made of grass and pumpkin heads, they had a firefighter, they had Buzz and Woody--Ryan cared less!)

Here is the only semi-smile I got most of the time he was walking around saying Truck pointing out all the trucks driving down the road infront of the church.
Ryan growling with his pumpkin
Trying to pick up a pumpkin to load in the wagon--too heavy
Pushing the wagon with our pumpkins. (Dad was pulling)
Overall we all enjoyed the pumpkin patch, Mike and I laughed at what photos with Santa will be like this year after seeing him with the pumpkin people!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Texans Football

So we went to our first Texans game with Ryan.  He did great!! He was very nervous at first with the loud noises and all the people screaming.  By half time he was enjoying it and well by the fourth quarter he had had enough.  It was a good game however the Texans lost to the Colts in the last minutes--put a downer on the day!!

Walking around the tailgaters
Dad and Ryan in the stands
Fourth quarter--he sleep through all the yelling that was involved in this quarter as we watched the Texans throw the game away

Well and if some of you are wondering about the marking on his face--that happened on my watch--hence the picture of Ryan and I finally.  Ryan was in Emma's room and I walked out to put something into his room and the next thing I heard was screaming.  When I had left him he was in a baby rocking chair on his bottom rocking-- I think he rocked right out and hit his face on the foot of the rocker.  Needless to say we have a large bruise and swollen cheek to our face, hopefully it will go away soon!!