The kids did too!! Here daddy is raising Ryan on a little elevator pulley system
Ryan decided he could figure this out for himself-- I loved how everything was their height obviously but there were teachable moments for various ages.
Next time we will not take a stroller because this one wanted out to play too-- so we let her down and she had a blast.
This light would turn red when you moved by a certain sensor we sat their and entertained Emma for quite sometime--she was unsure why or how it was blinking or staying on. She would just watch it then touch it then try and talk to it-- it was too cute.
Emma peeking through a hole playing peek a boo with daddy.
Driving the police car
Shopping in the grocery store-- of course he bought ice cream-- like father like son
The rain cleared enough to see the outside water stuff and with my kids they loved it!! By the time we left they were both soaked from touching and playing in the water.
The Children's Museum was well worth our money--we learned where to spend time and where not to spend time-- next time will be even better!!