Well today was the first day of preschool/MDO!! Ryan is in preschool 3 days a week and Emma is in MDO 2 days a week. I am sooooo glad it started, I love order and routine and love the little break it gives us. Here are some photos from the first day!
At home we are still all smiles or all goofy!
Just the big kids!! I had told them to put hands in their laps for the photo and they were sooo serious about it! I love that Emma had a ponytail in we will see if its still there when we pick her up!
Backpacks on and ready to go. Emma could barely walk with hers--too heavy!
Walking into school!
I am ready to go in my room!!
Then after that photo we put her in the class room and she started screaming. We quickly left and she was still crying--I am sure she did fine and eventually will love it. Ryan walked right into his room with no problem. I am anxious to get them to see how today went. My sweet babies are getting soooo big and to think ahead, next year they will all be there!