Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 2, 2008

Water Table

For Ryan's Birthday we got him a water table.  We decided to open it early and let him play the other day.  He loved it.  I however should have put him in a bathing suit prior to playing--he was drenched after. 

Ryan then took the toys off of the table to play with in the yard. 


Samantha Ison said...

Finley and Kennedy cant wait to meet you guys!! See you soon.

Jill Rutland said...

those water tables are so darn great! my kids play with it ALL day! happy early birthday ryan!!

Jill Rutland said...

i guarntee everyone will have an opinion about baby#2. they automatically think it was an accident. the first few months is one of the most difficult things i have ever done but now, it is MORE than worth it. i hope it brings you the same joy that i have with my 2!! today someone actually asked me if they were twins!!! then she sais, one of each, you must be done! people and their opinions!! love you